Andrei Tarkovsky was a Russian director who made slow paced, hypnotic films filled with beautiful images and thought provoking themes. His masterpiece is Stalker, one of the most gorgeous and entrancing films ever made. This is really a film that defies description. A science fiction film, a philosophical drama, and a metaphoric excursion, Stalker is all of this and yet so much more. A film that is more experienced than just viewed, this is a must-see for anyone interested in film as an art.
Something happened. Maybe it was aliens landing. Or maybe it was a meteor strike. But something happened and The Zone was created, an area where things don't work as you'd expect them to, where the laws of physics are out of whack. People started disappearing in The Zone and so the government sent in the army to investigate. They were never heard from again. Ever since that time The Zone has been cordoned off with sever penalties for going into it.
People still go into The Zone however, mainly because of The Room. In the center of The Zone, as the story goes, there is The Room which will grant those who enter it their deepest wish. To get to this miraculous place is impossible without an experienced guide, known as a stalker. As the movie begins a famous author, burned out and cynical, and a scientist, quiet but rebellious, (who are known only as Writer and Professor throughout the film) hire Stalker to lead them through the dangers of The Zone. Each of them have their own reasons for going, including Stalker himself, and their journey isn't without peril and danger. Along the way this trio is forced to look at themselves and each other and examine their hopes, dreams, and beliefs. What is worth risking your life for?
DVD9 + DVD5 | PAL 4:3 (720x576) VBR | 02:34:57 | 11.37 Gb + 3% rec
Russian (Dolby AC3, 6 ch), Russian (Dolby AC3, 1 ch)
Subtitles: Espanol, English, Francais, Russian, Italiano, Nederlands, Japanese, Svenska, Deutsch, Portugues, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy
Director: Andrey Tarkovskiy
Actors: Aleksandr Kaidanovsky, Alisa Frejndlikh, Anatoli Solonitsyn, Nikolai Grinko, Natasha Abramova, Faime Jurno
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