вторник, 12 июня 2012 г.

Phantasm IV: Oblivion / Фантазм 4: Забвение (1998) DVD9, DVD5

Phantasm IV: Oblivion / Фантазм 4: Забвение (1998) DVD9, DVD5
When we last left our heroes Michael (A. Michael Baldwin) and Reggie (Reggie Bannister) in Phantasm III, they were still battling the sinister Tall Man (Angus Scrimm), the mysterious, dimension-traveling funeral director with a penchant for stealing souls. There was much revealed in Phantasm III, including the fact the Michael had one of the deadly spheres in his head, and that his brother Jody (Bill Thornbury) was now a being that could transform himself into a sphere.
Time is running out as the Tall Man amasses a dark army for a blood curdling final assault in which Michael and Reggie must fight not only for their lives but the lives of all mankind as well.

Director: Don Coscarelli
Cast: A. Michael Baldwin, Reggie Bannister, Bill Thornbury, Heidi Marnhout, Bob Ivy, Angus Scrimm
Country: USA
Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi
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